The Hope Border Institute (HOPE) brings the perspective of Catholic social teaching to bear on the realities unique to our US-Mexico border region. Through a robust program of research and policy work, leadership development and action, we work to build justice and deepen solidarity across the borderlands.
El Instituto Fronterizo Esperanza (HOPE) trae la perspectiva de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia a las realidades particulares de nuestra región fronteriza de México y Estados Unidos. A través de un robusto programa de investigación y trabajo de política, desarrollo de liderazgo y acción, trabajamos para construir justicia y profundizar la solidaridad a través de las fronteras.

Challenging Injustice & Promoting Thriving Border Communities
HOPE brings together local leaders, communities of faith, advocates and policymakers to create transformational change and build solidarity across borders.

Igniting a New Generation of Leaders
HOPE offers comprehensive formation programs and develops leaders who work for new possibilities for social flourishing grounded in the experience of faith and thirst for justice, connecting a rising generation to the work to build a more just world.
Cutting Edge Grassroots Research
HOPE brings together local leaders, communities of faith, advocates and policymakers to create transformational change and build solidarity across borders.
Educational Resources
Border Observatory
Responding to the humanitarian crisis at the border
Increased arrivals and a cruel strategy of deterrence at the border masked an emerging humanitarian crisis that led to the deaths of several migrant children. HOPE was on the ground in Mexico as the first caravans from Central America arrived to assess needs and provide assistance and also worked to ensure essential Know Your Rights presentations were provided to migrants stranded in Mexico. HOPE triaged the response to the refugee crisis created by ICE’s needless release of migrant families in the streets of El Paso in winter weather and also brought together faith leaders and experts from both countries to strategize long-term responses. HOPE was also on the ground in Guatemala, the only border NGO researching the root causes of migration from Central America.

Positioning Faith in the Public Square
HOPE is a powerful strategy center for faith leaders on issues of social justice. The needs and priorities of our border communities should be reflected in the systems and policies that shape our common home. HOPE pursues a vision for the border rooted in the dynamic power of faith and the shared history, traditions and customs of our community.
Igniting a New Generation of Leaders
HOPE offers comprehensive formation programs and develops leaders who work for new possibilities for social flourishing grounded in the experience of faith and thirst for justice, connecting a rising generation to the work to build a more just world.
Make a one-time contribution at hopeborder.org or set-up a monthly recurring gift. Interested in partnership opportunities? Contact HOPE today!
Hope Border Institute’s groundbreaking work advances justice and human rights in the borderlands.
Your support is greatly appreciated and will help us promote just policies for our border communities, generate original research on critical issues and build savvy social justice leaders.

Shifting the Narrative
HOPE’s trusted voice is needed to promote the role of faith in building a just society. Our media expertise and knowledge of the issues have made us respected thought leaders throughout the world.